How Scholarship Funds Work

How do a student’s scholarship funds pay for school? That depends on what type of school the student attends.

Students in hallway using VR devices
Students in hallway using VR devices

How Scholarship Funds Work

How do a student’s scholarship funds pay for school? That depends on what type of school the student attends.

Direct Payment Schools

(Opportunity Scholarship, ESA+)

Schools that accept direct payments from SEAA are paid scholarship funds on behalf of students twice a year; once for fall semester and once for spring semester. All tasks are completed in MyPortal by the school and parent.

  1. School certifies student is enrolled 
  2. School reports tuition costs to SEAA 
  3. School verifies student is attending 
  4. School endorses (approves) award amount 
  5. Parent endorses (approves) award amount 
  6. SEAA sends fall payment electronically to school 1-2 weeks after the parent endorses the award amount 

  1. School endorses (approves) award amount
  2. Parent endorses (approves) award amount
  3. SEAA sends spring payment electronically to school 1-2 weeks after the parent endorses the award amount.


  • Parents should review the award amount carefully before endorsing. If you think there is an error, do not endorse. Contact SEAA as soon as possible via email [email protected] or [email protected]

  • (ESA+ Families Only) If your school’s costs are less than your award amount, any remaining scholarship funds will move to ClassWallet each semester and can be used for allowable expenses.

Reimbursement Schools (ESA+)

ESA+ Reimbursement Schools are schools that choose not to receive funds directly from SEAA. Families who enroll their students in these schools pay tuition and fees out of pocket and are reimbursed by ESA+ (link to video here?). Parents submit receipts at the end of each semester.

  1. SEAA deposits scholarship funds to ClassWallet

  1. SEAA notifies parent to submit tuition receipts
  2. Parent uploads receipts to ClassWallet
  3. SEAA reviews receipts
  4. If approved, fall payment is sent electronically to parent’s bank account via ClassWallet in 1-2 weeks

  1. SEAA notifies parent to submit receipts
  2. Parent uploads receipts to ClassWallet
  3. SEAA reviews receipts
  4. If approved, spring payment is sent electronically to parent’s bank account via ClassWallet in 1-2 weeks.


  • Unspent funds from fall remain in ClassWallet for spring.

Home Schools (ESA+)

Parents of students in a home school spend their ESA+ funds for allowable expenses, instead of tuition. SEAA will deposit funds to the parent’s ClassWallet account twice a year, once for fall semester and once for spring semester.

  1. SEAA deposits scholarship funds to ClassWallet
  2. Parent makes purchases and pays providers

  1. SEAA deposits scholarship funds to ClassWallet
  2. Parent makes purchases and pays providers

Dual Award Students

(Receive Opportunity Scholarship and ESA+)

Students can receive both the Opportunity Scholarship and ESA+ Scholarship (Dual Award Recipients). Students must be enrolled in a Direct Payment School to use both awards. All tasks are completed in MyPortal by the school and parent. The payment order is as follows:

SEAA will first use funds from the Opportunity Scholarship to pay tuition fees to the Direct Payment school on behalf of the student, followed by ESA+ funds. Any ESA+ funds remaining after tuition and fees have been paid will be sent to ClassWallet for families to use on allowable expenses.

  1. School certifies student is enrolled
  2. School reports tuition costs to SEAA
  3. SEAA calculates final Opportunity Scholarship award amount
  4. School verifies student is attending
  5. School endorses (approves) award amount
  6. Parent endorses (approves) award amount
  7. SEAA sends fall payment electronically to school 1-2 weeks after the parent endorses the award amount

  1. School verifies student is attending
  2. School endorses (approves) award amount
  3. Parent endorses (approves) award amount
  4. SEAA sends spring payment electronically to school 1-2 weeks after the parent endorses the award amount.


  • Parents should review the award amount carefully before endorsing. If you think there is an error, do not endorse. Contact SEAA as soon as possible via email [email protected] or [email protected]

  • (ESA+ Families Only) If your school’s costs are less than your award amount, any remaining scholarship funds will move to ClassWallet each semester and can be used for allowable expenses. Unspent funds in ClassWallet will remain for the spring semester.

Important Tip

When completing the Parent Endorsement Task each semester, the parent must type their name exactly as it appears in MyPortal. The system is case-sensitive! 
