Service Providers
Information for tutors, educational therapists, and transportation providers who enroll to accept payments from ESA+ scholarship families.

Service Providers
Information for tutors, educational therapists, and transportation providers who enroll to accept payments from ESA+ scholarship families.
What’s a Provider?
North Carolina’s Education Student Accounts (ESA+) scholarship provides funds for North Carolina families that can be used to pay for education and other support services for children with disabilities. Credentialed service providers must enroll with SEAA to accept ESA+ payments.
Watch this short video to find out if you meet the requirements to enroll:
Interested in Becoming an Enrolled Provider?
Register with SEAA to receive payments from ESA+ families for allowable expenses.
Resources for Enrolled Providers

Frequently asked questions
The ESA+ debit account structure includes a 2.5% transaction fee. Providers may not charge this fee to the ESA+ family, unless they have a documented policy in place for charging all customers for fees on payments made by credit card.
A provider that does not charge credit card fees may not pass ClassWallet transaction fees on to ESA+ families.
Providers can pass this fee along to ESA+ parents (who can pay it with ESA+ funds) if non-ESA+ parents are charged similarly. The transaction fee needs to be a line item on the invoice parents submit to substantiate their use of ESA+ funds.
ESA+ parents should not proactively add the transaction fee when requesting payment through their debit account.
The ESA+ program does not limit the number of educational therapy visits.
The ESA+ program does not require families to provide a diagnosis to receive educational therapy services.
Families may pre-pay for a block of sessions with an educational therapy provider each semester.
ESA+ funds may be used for transportation to/from educational services or activities. Families who use ESA+ scholarship funds for transportation must have a signed contract with a transportation provider to pay for transportation services with ESA+ funds. This is in addition to existing provider credential requirements.
ESA+ providers are listed on our searchable Provider Database. SEAA doesn’t facilitate any marketing/advertising to families on behalf of providers.