About Us

About Us
Our Mission
The North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority (SEAA) administers two scholarships that are available to help North Carolina parents pay for their children's education. Our mission is to serve families by providing them with any and all information they need about these K12 scholarships.
We are the sole authority for information about the Opportunity Scholarship and the Education Student Accounts (ESA+) scholarship.
You can learn more about each of the scholarships here:
Opportunity Scholarships | Education Student Accounts (ESA+) |
Our History
The Opportunity Scholarship and the ESA+ were created by the North Carolina General Assembly to help North Carolina families afford nonpublic K12 education. The SEAA K12 program has operated for over a decade in its mission to help inform families about these programs.
Our Commitment to Service
We strive for excellence in pursuit of our organizational mission of service to North Carolina families. If you need help at any step of the scholarship process you can reach out to us directly.
To learn more about SEAA and its overall mission please visit www.ncseaa.edu.
Contact us.
Do you have questions about the Opportunity Scholarship or ESA+ Program? We can help.