Choosing a School
Students who receive the Opportunity Scholarship or ESA+ have a variety of school choice options, including full-time enrollment in a private school, or co-enrollment in a public school and a private school.

Choosing a School
Students who receive the Opportunity Scholarship or ESA+ have a variety of school choice options, including full-time enrollment in a private school, or co-enrollment in a public school and a private school.

Enrollment Options
Full-time public school is not an option for the Opportunity Scholarship or the ESA+.
Opportunity Scholarship
Opportunity Scholarship students must attend a Direct Payment School.
ESA+ students may choose from three different types of schools: Direct Payment Schools, ESA+ Reimbursement Schools, or home schools.
Types of Schools
Direct Payment Schools
Direct Payment Schools are schools that receive a direct payment on behalf of Opportunity Scholarship or ESA+ recipients. To find out which schools accept direct payment, visit the list of Direct Payment Schools.

Home Schools, Reimbursement Schools
ESA+ students may choose from three different types of schools: a Direct Payment School, an ESA+ Reimbursement School, or a Home School.

Submit Your School Choice
1. Log in to MyPortal
Important communications and document requests will be in your MyPortal account.
2. Update Your School Choice
Until August 1, you can choose or update the school in the "School Choice" section of MyPortal. Send us an email if you need to update your student’s school choice between August 1 – October 1.
3. Enroll Your Student
Accepting an Opportunity Scholarship or ESA+ scholarship does not enroll your student in a school. Follow the enrollment process for your school of choice.
4. Don't Wait!
The deadline to select a school and enroll your student is October 1. Failure to choose a school by this date will result in cancellation of the student’s scholarship award.
Resources to Help You Choose a School
How to Choose a Direct Payment School - Our K12 Scholarship staff share tips and strategies for managing the process of choosing or transferring Direct Payment Schools.
ESA+ Enrollment Options – Find out how ESA+ works for home school, private schools in North Carolina, and the flexible options of co-enrollment.
Additional Resources
*The links listed above are for websites not affiliated with the North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority (NCSEAA). NCSEAA cannot control the content or take responsibility for pages maintained by external providers. Where we provide links to sites or materials generated by a third-party organization or agency, NCSEAA does not, by doing so, endorse any information or opinions appearing in them. We accept no liability over the availability of linked pages.