New School Registration

adult standing outside in front of building
adult standing outside in front of building

New School Registration

Register with K12 Programs 

Welcome to K12 Programs administered by the North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority (SEAA). Visit the Registration Checklist page for a full list of registration requirements and blank copies of the required documents. For more information see instructions for uploading documents to MyPortal.

Step 1

1. Register Your School with DNPE

Register with the North Carolina Division of Non-Public Education (DNPE) as a private school.

Step 2

2. Submit a New School Signup Request with SEAA

Visit the New School Signup Request page. SEAA cannot consider your signup request until your DNPE registration is final.

Step 3

3. Complete Background Check

Order a national criminal background check to be sent to SEAA.

Step 4

4. Log into MyPortal & Submit Documents

Visit the Registration Checklist for the list of documents to submit.

Adult Two Students


  • Schools must submit a New School Signup Request in MyPortal no later than June 15. Requests submitted after that date will be held until registration opens the following January.

  • The final day for schools that have already submitted their signup request to complete their registration documents is June 30.



Do you have additional questions about new school registration? We can help.
