ESA+ Program

Have questions about your child’s scholarship? We’re here to help.

Student working on a laptop with adult assitance
Student working on a laptop with adult assitance

ESA+ Program

Have questions about your child’s scholarship? We’re here to help.

Welcome to the ESA+ scholarship program. Here you’ll find everything you need to know and do as an awarded family. This page is your source for information and resources to manage your student’s scholarship.


ESA+ 101: Introduction to all things ESA+

Adult Student Solar System
You've been awarded. Now what?

Next Steps

You will have a deadline to accept or decline your student’s award in MyPortal.

This short video explains how to Accept or Decline an Award

Your student must be enrolled and attending an Eligible School by October 1 to use funds for fall semester.

We’ll send important information and requests for information to your MyPortal account.

I Need Information About:

Additional Questions?

Do you have questions about what happens once you’ve been awarded an ESA+ scholarship? Let’s talk.

Need MyPortal login help?
